Food Talk Baby Game

Make it a point at meals and snacks today to converse with your child.  Aim to both be sitting so that you can have a focused conversation.  Speak to what interests her or pick a subject that draws her attention.  For example: “I always make sandwiches with loaf bread.  I like how spongy the bread is.  And the meat and cheese go right in the middle between slices of bread.  One bread piece on top, one piece on bottom.”  “If I want to clean off your spoon to scoop up some fruit instead, I ‘clank, clank, clank’ the spoon against the bowl to get off all the extra food on there.” “I’m glad I got a spoon for your peas.  Can you imagine if I got a fork?  Wouldn’t it be hard to pick them up with a fork?  What do you think?”

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