Place to Start Newborn Activity

It’s recommended for babies to do 30-90 minutes of tummy time each day.  This can be divided into multiple sessions.  If this number seems too far away to reach, there is no need to worry.  Try focusing on incorporating as much as you can into your daily routines instead of focusing on reaching a goal time.  Even if you do a little here and there, it will add up.  The more you do it, the more comfortable it will be for baby and caregiver.  Before you know it, you may be surprised that the 90 minute goal of daily tummy time will be an easily obtainable goal.  Here are examples of a place for you to start if you are having a difficult time in tummy time.  Small steps makes a world of difference!

  • Belly First: Every time you set baby down, place him on his tummy first.  For instance, when you change his diaper, set him belly-down before changing.  Aim to do this all week.
  • There’s lots of playtime with him throughout the day.  Aim for 3 playtimes to start and be on the belly as long as he likes.

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