See, Reach, Touch Infant Activity

Your baby has been rigorously practicing reaching and grabbing, and with all the swatting at toys, they have finally been able to successfully reach and grab (on average starts around 4-5months)and maybe even do this consistently and in a very controlled fashion(starts around 6-7months). Continue to let them hone their skills through fun practice of reaching for what they want. This also stimulates their sense of vision and touch!

Offer a variety of objects that differ in size, shape, and texture.  Let her feel what it is like to hold a smooth ball versus an object with corners; a small toy that she can easily hold in one hand or a larger toy requiring to use two hands; a toy that has different parts that dangle versus a solid object, to name just a few examples.  Be careful not to overwhelm her with too many toy options.  Pick 3-5 toys on which she can focus.  Who knows, she may even reach for 2 toys for each hand!


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